In March I did a lovely course with Paul Sanders, Adrian and Clea Beasley in Margate. Together with four other photographers I explored the old town, harbour and beach, amusement park and arcades, and ordinary shopping streets. Margate is so photogenic.
We then spent a day selecting photos and post-processing to define our ideas for a book. On the last day we each turned printed sheets of our selected photographs into a stab-bound book. We selected cover sheets, end papers, and colour of cotton. Then the nail-biting moment of making holes through all the pages as neatly as possible and sewing the cotton through the holes in the right order to end up with a presentable book.
The tuition was excellent and the process will be so much easier next time!
Here is the stab-bound book showing one image and then the contact sheet showing all 8 images.

These "Street" images were inspired by some lines from T S Eliot's "The Waste Land" which were written in a shelter on Margate seafront:
On Margate sands
I can connect
Nothing with nothing
The broken fingernails of dirty hands
My people humble people who expect
I have continued to play with the images, most recently producing an explosion book. I have turned the book below through 45º so the images are the right way up. Below the book are the three sheets of paper as I printed them before folding and glueing them together.